Friday, November 10, 2006

Thoughts on the New World of Warcraft Trading Card Game

Attention Heroes of Azeroth

The new World of Warcraft Trading card game just hit store shelves. I am sure many of you are wondering what its like? Let me be the first to tell you that its awesome! If any of you are familiar with Magic the Gather, this game isn’t much different.

Let the war begin!

With this being Warcraft there is an epic battle between the Horde and Alliance taking place. Many of the cards can be used to their respective factions only, with some being neutral. You will need to choose your “Hero” from the typical Warrior, Warlock, Priest, Hunter, Mage, Shaman, Paladin, Druid, and Rogue classes we have all become accustom to. Many of their spells and abilities will mirror those found in the online game itself.

As you build your deck you will be relieved to know you no longer have to be bothered with frumpy land cards. Instead you can place any card in your hand as a resource face down, with the exception being Quest which can be used like general spells before they are permanently transformed into (1) generic resource.

The rules aren’t too complicated for trading card game vets to master. One thing I would recommend when you pick up your first set of cards is to get a 30 sided dice for your hero and flat marble counters for the rest of your Allies. Each time your turn begins their health does not reset, so you will need to keep this tally on them permanently until they are sent to the graveyard with Leroy.

Prizes, LEWT! ZOMG!

Of course many people will buy this game for the loot cards. Like anything, blizzard, has promoted their little fingers off trying to get people to buy this game with claims of truly epic loot. You will however be disappointed to know that the Saltwater Snapjaw loot card is considered very rare (epic) and is reportedly found in only 1 out of 20 boxes of booster packs. You might get lucky and find one, or might give up and buy one on E-bay for 200 bucks.
Wait, I got UDE points you say? Well don’t let me burst your bubble, but the good stuff like the Ogre trinket cost 50,000 UDE points, averaging 1,000 to 1,200 per box, you are looking at a good 46 boxes of starter boxes, (YES BOXES) to obtain this many points, setting you back $4,600 bucks, for a lousy trinket at that.

The important thing to remember about Hero’s of Azeroth is that it’s a fun game, and you should buy it only if you intend to play it. Don’t blow cash hoping you will get loot cards or some awesome prize, that’s just icing on the cake if you do.

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